Downloadable Demos

All the software provided here has been compiled for Win32 and developed under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0. Some of them are platform independent and have been compiled in other operating systems, but no executables or compilation instructions are provided. The source code is provided in the CD-ROM that accompanies the book.

To use the software, simply uncompress them in a directory. All the zip files can be uncompressed in the same directory, as they complement each other. In the bin subdirectory you will find executables and batch files that pass sample data files to the programs. In the samples directory you will find some data files that can be used with the executables. We recommend the usage of the batch files until you are more familiar with the software.

Complete download (4.5Mb) - includes all the files below.

Morphos (1.8Mb)

Real-time physically based warping (0.45Mb)

Real-time morphing (0.25Mb)

3D object/animation viewer (0.7Mb)

Cuberama: trivial image-based rendering (0.7Mb)



All the above software require OpenGL to be available in your machine. OpenGL is provided with Windows NT and Windows 98, as well as some versions of Windows 95. If you have the original Windows 95 release, the OpenGL distribution can be found in Microsoft's ftp site (opengl95.exe).

In addition, Morphos requires that the MFC and Microsoft C runtime DLL's be present, as well as a basic installation of OpenGL. If you have the Microsoft Visual Studio 97 (or later) development environment installed---which is required for building the MFC version of Morphos---these DLL's are probably installed in your system already. The DLLs you need are: Msvcrt40.dll and Mfc42.dll. These libraries can be found in Microsoft's web site (here), and detailed technical information about the libraries update can be found here.