Book cover

Warping and Morphing
of Graphical Objects

Jonas Gomes,   Lucia Darsa,
Bruno Costa,   Luiz Velho.

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.

This web site is an abridged version of the CD-ROM that accompanies the book.
The source code for the included software is available only in the CD-ROM.



This CD-ROM is a companion to the book Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects. The book covers the conceptual basis of warping and morphing, introducing the concept of a graphical object, their representation and transformations. This conceptual framework allows the presentation of a unified view of the problems of warping and morphing for distinct graphical objects.

The CD-ROM brings this conceptual framework to the implementation level, including a fully featured warping and morphing software for diverse types of graphical objects. Detailed documentation is included for the interested reader/developer with hyperlinks to the source code to facilitate understanding and browsing. We also include additional software to help manipulate graphical objects.

Additional multimedia material is also included, in the form of demos, videos, slide presentations and bibliography. Updates to the software in the CD-ROM, documentation, links and bibliography will be available at the Morphing site, maintained by the authors. The authors wish to thank Margareth Prevot who helped us in the production of this CD-ROM. Special thanks also to Sergio Pinheiro for allowing us to include his software (SurfaceWarp) in the CD-ROM.

The Morphing Site

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