Hierarchical 4-K Meshes


Hierarchical 4-K Meshes constitute a powerful framework for variable-resolution representation of surfaces, as well as, for adaptive computations on 2D manifolds. The framework is integrated by a data structure, together with a set of procedures that operate on it.

We have developed methods for constructing 4-K meshes based on subdivision, adaptive refinement, and simplification. We have also implemented operators for mesh extraction, interrogation and conversion to other representations.

The figures below illustrate the expressiveness of the 4-K structure. These meshes conform to various adaptation criteria, including: gradual change in resolution; region segmentation; and point location. We used simplification (left) and subdivision (center, right) to generate the underlying hierarchical structures.


Variable Resolution 4-K Meshes:
Concepts and Applications

(Computer Graphics Forum, 2000)

This paper describes the variable-resolution 4-K data structure. It also gives an overview of construction methods, including: subdivision, refinement and simplification.

A Unified Approach for Hierarchical Adaptive Tessellation of Surfaces
(Transactions on Graphics, 2000)

This paper introduces a method for adaptive tessellation of parametric and implicit surfaces. It employs a refinement algorithm that generates hierarchical 4-K meshes.

Four-Face Cluster Simplification
(Shape Modeling International, 2001)

This paper presents a simplification algorithm based on edge swaps and vertex removals that produces a 4-K mesh hierarchy.

Hierarchical Generalized Triangle Strips
(Visual Computer, 1999)

This paper develops a methodology for maintaining a path on a triangulation under refinement.

Slides from Talks

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Last Update: Fri Mar 17 19:20:09 EST 2000 by lvelho.